


 a. One who ‘deliberately puts an end to his own existence, or commits any unlawful malicious act, the consequence of which is his own death’ (Blackstone).

[c1250    Bracton iii. ii. xxxi,   Eodem modo quo quis feloniam facere possit interficiendo alium, ita feloniam facere possit interficiendo seipsum, quæ quidem felonia dicitur fieri de seipso.]
1651    W. G. tr. J. Cowell Inst. Lawes Eng. 124   He that murders himself, is by us tearmed Felo de se.
1689    E. Hickeringill Speech Without-doors iv. 30   How desperately they stabb themselves, and are Felones de se.
1814    Byron in T. Moore Life Ld. Byron (1851) 255/1 (Note)   That ‘felo de se’ who‥Walk'd out of his depth and was lost in a calm sea.
1874    G. W. Dasent Half a Life i. 85   Dick‥pronounced him‥to be, in fact, felo de se.

 b. fig.

1678    Lively Orac. iii. 40   Making their Natures a kind of felo de se to prompt the destroying itself.
1704    E. Ward Dissenting Hypocrite 34   That Church is Moderate and Easy T' excess, which would be Felo de se.
1749    H. Fielding Tom Jones III. viii. xiv. 287   That Protestants‥should be‥such Felos de se, I cannot believe it.
1767    W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. 31   This modus is felo de se and destroys itself.
1840    T. De Quincey Style in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. July 4/1   A man‥would be a madman and a felo-de-se, as respected his reliance upon that doctrine.
1826    Edinb. Rev. 45 171   This felo de se system.


gender studies at reduced prices

Not sure I am too keen on Amazon given their recent labour practices, but just in case…

Lars ...

Lars von Trier on Kubrick's Barry Lyndon:
Watching Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon is a pleasure, like eating a very good soup. It is very stylised and then suddenly comes some emotion [when the child falls off the horse]. There is not a lot of emotion. There are a lot of moods and some fantastic photography, really like these old paintings.
Thank God he didn't have a computer. If he had a computer at that time, you wouldn't care, but you know he has been waiting three weeks for this mountain fog or whatever. It is overwhelming with the boy, because it is suddenly this emotional thing. The character Barry Lyndon is not very emotional. In fact, he is the opposite. He is an opportunist.
I saw the film when it came out. I was in my early twenties. The first time I saw it, I slept. It was on too late and it is a very, very long film. What is interesting is that Nicole Kidman told me Kubrick hated long films. If you have seen Barry Lyndon, the last scene of the film, where she is writing out a cheque for him, is extremely long. It goes on and on and on, but it's beautiful.
The good thing is that Kubrick always sets his standards. Barry Lyndon to me is a masterpiece. He casts in a very strange way, Kubrick. It is a very strange cast. But that is how the film should be, of course. This thing that he liked short films was very surprising. And he liked Krzysztof Kieslowski very much. He was crazy about Kieslowski.
I don't know if Kubrick saw any of my films, but I know Tarkovsky watched the first film I did and hated it! That is how it is supposed to be.

Tom Waits: I Don't Wanna Grow Up

When I'm lyin' in my bed at night
I don't wanna grow up
Nothin' ever seems to turn out right
I don't wanna grow up
How do you move in a world of fog
That's always changing things
Makes me wish that I could be a dog
When I see the price that you pay
I don't wanna grow up
I don't ever wanna be that way
I don't wanna grow up

Seems like folks turn into things
That they'd never want
The only thing to live for
Is today
I'm gonna put a hole in my TV set
I don't wanna grow up
Open up the medicine chest
And I don't wanna grow up
I don't wanna have to shout it out
I don't want my hair to fall out
I don't wanna be filled with doubt
I don't wanna be a good boy scout
I don't wanna have to learn to count
I don't wanna have the biggest amount
I don't wanna grow up

Well when I see my parents fight
I don't wanna grow up
They all go out and drinking all night
And I don't wanna grow up
I'd rather stay here in my room
Nothin' out there but sad and gloom
I don't wanna live in a big old Tomb
On Grand Street

When I see the 5 o'clock news
I don't wanna grow up
Comb their hair and shine their shoes
I don't wanna grow up
Stay around in my old hometown
I don't wanna put no money down
I don't wanna get me a big old loan
Work them fingers to the bone
I don't wanna float a broom
Fall in and get married then boom
How the hell did I get here so soon
I don't wanna grow up


Beth Orton: Blood Red River


Bryan Egnew

Bryan Egnew, who I worked with and knew reasonably well, committed suicide two weeks ago:
Mormon Bryan Michael Egnew, 40, a Mormon who kept his homosexuality closely guarded secret for many years committed suicide after he was excommunicated by his church and ostracized by friends and relatives for finding the courage to come out about his homosexuality.
Bryan Michael Egnew  married his Mormon wife Amy in a Mormon Temple, but he had been engaged in private battle for years over his homosexuality while outwardly living up to church expectations of strict heterosexuality. Egnew confessed his homosexuality to his family and church last month. The reaction from church and family confirmed his fears. His wife Amy immediately took their five children and drove them to Tennessee and refused to see Egnew. His parents and family withdrew from him and the church excommunicated him.
Egnew, unable to cope with isolation, committed suicide on September 10, 2011. His family and church tried to hide the facts about the circumstances of his death and his obituary made no reference to the fact that he was gay.

2X Food Stamps @ Farmers Markets

The program, called Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB), is a project of the nonprofit Fair Food Network. It’s a simple idea: SNAP shoppers use their benefits at a participating farmers’ market and receive tokens for an equal amount to purchase any Michigan-grown fruit or vegetable at the market. In effect, food dollars spent at farmers’ markets are doubled, up to $20 per market day. By spending $20 of SNAP benefits at the farmers’ market, the shopper comes home with $40 worth of healthy, fresh, regionally grown produce.

Source, via 


Staking a Life (Hitchens)

Thus, as I was going on to argue, there is no reason to suppose that the death penalty is a deterrent. And then it hit me. I had been hammering on an open door. Nobody had been bothering to argue that the rope or the firing squad, or the gas chamber, or “Old Sparky” the bristle-making chair, or the deadly catheter were a deterrent. The point of the penalty was that it was death. It expressed righteous revulsion and symbolized rectitude and retribution. Voila tout! The reason why the United States is alone among comparable countries in its commitment to doing this is that it is the most religious of those countries.

Source, via

Lloviendo en Dur-home

El coronel Gerineldo Márquex acudió aquella tarde a un llamado telegráfico del coronel Aureliano Buendía. Fue una conversación rutinaria que no había de abrir ninguna brecha en la guerra estancada. Al terminar, el coronel Gerineldo Márquez contempló las calles desoladas, el agua critalizada en los almendros, y se encontró perdido en la soledad.
- Aureliano - dijo tristemente en el manipulador -, está lloviendo en Macondo.
Hubo un largo silencio en la línea. De pronto, los aparatos salatron con los signos despiadados del coronel Aureliano Buendía.
- No seas pendejo, Gerineldo - dijeron los signos -. Es natural que esté lloviendo en agosto.

100 años de soledad, Márquez (204)


Music Day: Modern Lovers: I´m Straight

Music Day: Cure: A Few Hours After This

Music Day: Bjork: Joga

Music Day: Geeshie Wiley: Last Kind Words

Not many ciphers have left as large and beguiling a presence as Geeshie Wiley. Three of the six songs she and Elvie Thomas recorded are among the greatest country-blues performances ever etched into shellac, and one of them, “Last Kind Words Blues,” is an essential work of American art, sans qualifiers, a blues that isn’t a blues, that is something other, but is at the same time a perfect blues, a pinnacle. (Harpers, subscription only)

Silence of the Ligers

Interesting Lecter / Napoleon Dynamite mashup.

DdL - notas

En infusiones contribuye a calmar la ira, la depresión, los celos, la hipersensibilidad y el resentimiento.
En el siglo XVI los magos creían que si una persona se frotaba con un diente de león sería afortunado y bien recibido en todas partes.

Classic old school buttons

Update: http://www.11points.com/Web-Tech/11_Best_Old_School_Animated_GIFs

Music Day: Seven Nation Army: White Stripes

Music Day: The Shocking Blue: Love Buzz


Vaccinate us against this moron

The medical community issued swift criticism Tuesday after Rep. Michele Bachmann dragged the safety of the vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV) into the political spotlight, reigniting the controversy over the risks and necessity of vaccinating children.

"The American Academy of Pediatrics would like to correct false statements made in the Republican presidential campaign that HPV vaccine is dangerous and can cause mental retardation," the American Academy of Pediatrics said in a statement released Tuesday afternoon. "There is absolutely no scientific validity to this statement. Since the vaccine has been introduced, more than 35 million doses have been administered, and it has an excellent safety record."  (source)

HPV infection is extremely common — the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. More than a quarter of girls and women ages 14 to 49 have been infected, with the highest rate, 44 percent, in those ages 20 to 24.

Millions of new infections occur each year, and researchers think that at least half of all adults have been infected at some point in their lives. The genital region is teeming with HPV, and any kind of intimate contact — not just intercourse — can transmit the virus. In most people, HPV is harmless: The immune system fights it off. But in some people, for unknown reasons, the viruses persist and can cause cancer.

Remark on Vaccine Could Ripple for Years: How Many Women Will Michele Bachmann Kill?

So if the vaccine prevents HPV, and HPV causes cervical cancer, and Bachmann's uninformed/unprincipled attack on "Perrycare" has prevented some parents from vaccinating their daughters, then Bachmann, at least indirectly, will be responsible for God knows how many deaths when a small percentage of these unvaccinated girls (or their partners) eventually die from an otherwise preventable cancer.

All LBJ, all the time


  • Ford's economics are the worst thing that's happened to this country since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking.
  • Frank, are you trying to fuck me? [...] your boys just shat on the American flag.
    • To CBS president Frank Wise, after watching a CBS news account of U.S. Marines torching a Vietnamese village.

Search Google Better

This is 4 years old. But I love it:

12 Expert Google Search Tips

  1. Explicit Phrase:
    Lets say you are looking for content about internet marketing.  Instead of just typing internet marketing into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase.  To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.
    Example: "internet marketing"
  2. Exclude Words:
    Lets say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising.  To do this, simply use the "-" sign in front of the word you want to exclude.
    Example Search: internet marketing -advertising
  3. Site Specific Search:
    Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase.  Even if the site doesn’t support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the "site:somesite.com" modifier.
    Example: "internet marketing" site:www.smallbusinesshub.com
  4. Similar Words and Synonyms:
    Let’s say you are want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms.  To do this, use the "~" in front of the word.
    Example: "internet marketing" ~professional
  5. Specific Document Types:
    If you’re looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifier "filetype:".  For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to internet marketing.
    Example: "internet marketing" filetype:ppt
  6. This OR That:
    By default, when you do a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search.  If you are looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator.  (Note:  The OR has to be capitalized).
    Example: internet marketing OR advertising
  7. Phone Listing:
    Let’s say someone calls you on your mobile number and you don’t know how it is.  If all you have is a phone number, you can look it up on Google using the phonebook feature.
    Example: phonebook:617-555-1212 (note:  the provided number does not work – you’ll have to use a real number to get any results).
  8. Area Code Lookup:
    If all you need to do is to look-up the area code for a phone number, just enter the 3-digit area code and Google will tell you where it’s from.
    Example: 617
  9. Numeric Ranges:
    This is a rarely used, but highly useful tip.  Let’s say you want to find results that contain any of a range of numbers.  You can do this by using the X..Y modifier (in case this is hard to read, what’s between the X and Y are two periods.  This type of search is useful for years (as shown below), prices or anywhere where you want to provide a series of numbers.
    Example: president 1940..1950
  10. Stock (Ticker Symbol):
    Just enter a valid ticker symbol as your search term and Google will give you the current financials and a quick thumb-nail chart for the stock.
    Example: GOOG
  11. Calculator:
    The next time you need to do a quick calculation, instead of bringing up the Calculator applet, you can just type your expression in to Google.
    Example: 48512 * 1.02
  12. Word Definitions:
    If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the "define:" command.
    Example: define:plethora


Transatlantic, 3:00 AM (Greg Vargo)

Not awakened by fear or the infant's hunger,
the tables and systems, the compounding debt,
the spasm in the leg or the headache that follows you,
nor by the formula split open, the long-sought insight,
the forgotten lover glimpsed in the alchemy of the dream,
the dear friend called back,
the rich seam the miner chances upon like a fate,
but only by this trick of the hours.

Isn't this why you've come?
To take your share of the loneliness
of those whose occupation it is to wait,
the clerk and night warden, the thief and orderly,
the beggar and miser, the card counter
conning his livelihood from the dull sequence?

Later, you will lash yourself to the rigging of sleep,
and the day will rise like a sullen continent
where noon is weighted like a crate of fruit
and every monument carefully restored.
But here your mind tries the sheer face
of the future and finds no fingerhold.
Falling, you are free from the flowers and statutes,
the wheels and notations, the tools shaped like weapons,
the come-on and the affront of strangers looking away.


Some other places I lived

This is pure procrastination.

1. Hazlewood. This is where I grew up
1. a) Maternal granparents home (Norman Ave)
1. b) Paternal grandparents home (Boxhill Road)
1. b. i. Later my grandmother moved here, to Long Alley almshouses.

2. Silvester Close.
I moved out of my parents' house to live here for a few months

3. University.
3.1 First Year: Butler's Wharf (Gainsford Street)
3.2 Second Year
3.2.a) Tredegar Terrace (2 months, bedbugs)
3.2.b) @ a friend's place for a month (Finborough Road)
3.2.c) Back in North London at 15 Beechfield Road
3.3 Third Year
3.3.a) @ a girlfriend's place at 23 Endymion Road (2 months, insanity)
3.3.b) Bethune Road

4. Working in London
4.1 Wimbledon, Dolphin Court. I wasn't ready for this.
4.2 Raynes Park (Wimbledon Village?) The Downs. Not sure quite where.
4.3 After some time living in hotels, and notably here in BOZ, back to London in Clapham Junction.(Buckmaster Road) - I also spent 2 months on the sofa at 113 Sinclair Road


6. Barcelona
6.1 Tallers (Casa Magarola)
6.2 Valencia (195)

7. Dur-home
7.1 West Village (West Morgan Street) 1 Year
7.2 Blackwell Street almost 3 years

Villanueva de Santo Adriano

This is the house we hope to live in for the next few years while we look for a place of our own.

Back View
Side view (including the black and brown cat) 
Front View

This is a view of the village

Antimanipulation + Shchedrovitsky

New Humanitarian had standard subjects, like history and math, and Danya had many hours of homework a week. But Bogin added courses like antimanipulation, which was intended to give children tools to decipher commercial or political messages. He taught a required class called myshleniye, which means “thinking,” as in critical thinking. It was based in part on the work of a dissident Soviet educational philosopher named Georgy Shchedrovitsky, who argued that there were three ways of thinking: abstract, verbal and representational. To comprehend the meaning of something, you had to use all three.

When I asked Bogin to explain Shchedrovitsky, he asked a question. “Does 2 + 2 = 4? No! Because two cats plus two sausages is what? Two cats. Two drops of water plus two drops of water? One drop of water.”
From there, the theories became more complex. In practice, though, the philosophy meant that Bogin delighted in barraging children with word problems and puzzles to force them to think broadly. It was the opposite of the rote memorization of the Soviet system.

At dinnertime, the kids taunted me with riddles. “Ten crows are sitting on a fence,” Arden announced. “A cat pounces and eats one crow. How many are left?” “Umm, nine,” I said, fearing a trap. “No, none!” she gleefully responded. “Do you really think that after one crow is eaten, the others are going to stick around?”

... in Brooklyn, the school instilled an everyone’s-a-winner ethos. At New Humanitarian, Danya says, “they send an entirely different message to the kids: ‘Learning is hard, but you have to do it. You have to get good grades.’ ”




The G8 met in Hokkaido, Japan, in July 2008 to address the global food crisis. Over an eighteen-course meal—including truffles, caviar, conger eel, Kyoto beef, and champagne—prepared by sixty chefs, the world leaders came to a consensus: “We are deeply concerned that the steep rise in global food prices coupled with availability problems in a number of developing countries is threatening global food security.”



Leftism (Lenin, Engels)

1. "To attempt in practice today to anticipate this future result of a fully developed, fully stabilized and formed, fully expanded and mature communism would be like trying to teach higher mathematics to a four year old child." - in our era of self appointed pedagogues and supernannies, we might say that this second image presents leftists as communists with an attention deficit disorder.

2. Lenin's conceptual effort at defining the phenomenon itself will be familiar enough: leftism, or left-wing communism, involves a principled stance against any and all participation in parliamentary or bourgeois electoral politics, in unions, and even or especially in party discipline. The upshot of this repudiation of all compromises is a doctrinal 'repetition of the truths of "pure" communism', reduced to a frenzied, incendiary and semi-anarchist type of radicalism, also called 'petty-bourgeois revolutionism' or 'massism' ... Subjective impatience, in a characteristic oscillation between exuberence and dejection, between fanaticism and melancholy, thus takes the place of the arduous work of party organization.

Lenin: "it is tantamount to that petty-bourgeois diffuseness, instability, and incapacity for sustained effort, unity, and organized action, which, if indulged in, must inevitably destroy any proletarian revolutionary movement."

3. Engels: "What childish innocence it is to present one's own impatience as a theoretically convincing argument!"


Vamos Todxs Sal a Bailar

Less Art More Meat: the Original (John Osborne)

In a letter to his daughter:
I have made no secret of my detestation of your odious companion. I know that the only reason you spend even a few reluctant hours here is so you can cadge more money from me in order to pursue this squalid and ludicrous shopgirl's liaison with him and his drunken dreary friends ... Never did a mother deserve such a daughter. Such sublime selfishness must have its match! Less art more meat. I will not continue to be treated in this way by someone as criminally commonplace as yourself.


Your Ghosts: a Liturgy (6/9/11)

Abandoned in the rolled down vigil an arbiter,
a parley with phosphorous haints – nocturne
and humpswathed, alive with renegade sounds
and shifts while the gut expands, alights;

I shuck the night. I gather myself up
in slow thigh dread, all humdrum beast
while you wrest and build – and come quiescent
to be blessed, to meet the day as if whole.

Laudatory entanglements in the grey light –
sneaking under the limp arm’s grasp
for a turbid embrace and then sidling, backing,
as you flood back down into sleep

and I ride out into those little hours
where yet I hold your form, your body primed
for work as vital as the day is long,
the quickening mitts grasping naught to themselves

and the milkspot nape dawdling in the rush of light.
More beautiful. More awake. A rupert’s drop
with its tail untouched, a crack front holding,
forging and tumbling in the proofing mire.

All day I hold your form alive in mine
as you hold hers. Feel it winnow and glide
quite uncertain and sure, a Hesperian nymph
guiding my eventual way on heated lanes

to both of you, at last, to round my retreat
into embrace, to close and complete
and greet you again – alive, awake, whole
and utterly wanted, loved, utterly at peace.

Comment on the GOP & Debt "crisis"

As Hannah Arendt observed, a disciplined minority of totalitarians can use the instruments of democratic government to undermine democracy itself.
It should have been evident to clear-eyed observers that the Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological authoritarian parties of 20th century Europe. This trend has several implications, none of them pleasant.
 & to paraphrase Marcuse on the availability of a rhetoric of injustice or a political language:
After a riot of unbridled greed such as the world has not seen since the conquistadors' looting expeditions and after an unprecedented broad and rapid transfer of wealth upward by Wall Street and its corporate satellites, where is the popular anger directed, at least as depicted in the media? At "Washington spending" - which has increased primarily to provide unemployment compensation, food stamps and Medicaid to those economically damaged by the previous decade's corporate saturnalia. Or the popular rage is harmlessly diverted against pseudo-issues: death panels, birtherism, gay marriage, abortion, and so on, none of which stands to dent the corporate bottom line in the slightest.
Source, via


Like the deserts miss the rain

When we came here: callow, insignificant, bound up, wound up. Not utterly lost but largely depoliticized. We actually had in mind the notion of moving on from here to roles in Asia, larger and more demanding roles. Note that those roles would have been mine. We asked few questions - this, and we were already reading more widely, already seeking out narratives.

The notion of community was extraordinary to us, foreign in the absolute sense. And much as it might be that we knew we were foreign, we knew we belonged to another culture, we hadn't yet identified which. And we struggled, not only to understand but also to distance ourselves further. We went out for walks dressed to the nines. We dressed more provocatively than we would have done in Barcelona.

But it wasn't until we made the leap and step and skip and went to Crop Mob that we were able to put the trumpet to our lips and make a start on the walls (this being both Pink Floyd and ol' time spiritual reference, we were either tearing them down or working to have them tumble). We'd made earlier starts - V's studies at the Center for Documentary Studies had led her to found a documentary project based on the queer group in Durham, but the long silences and disjointed rhetoric together with resistance put the thing to bed - but this was the first time we had met something head on, so to speak.

This isn't a history of the crop mob. I don't want to write that it changed our life, that it made us better people. But what happened instead is that a process started in which we were proud to have muddied our hands on a cold September day. Suddenly a vein of discussion opened when we were going & coming which brought us to community.

A part of that of course is finding points of connection, and there we curse our natures. It's not that we're retiring, but instead that we've become very sparing with our time. A's arrival may change that or reinforce it. Neither with Trace & Kristin, nor with Nick, Geoffrey, nor John & Sarah - maybe not with anyone did we know how to be friends up front. Not with Jon E. Not with Rob & Andrea. Not with Mattie. Fuck ... not with anyone.

And it really sucks to have to leave and know you could have been better friends to, with, and for people. That a lot of the things we struggled with really make no sense - it didn't matter that we are this mix of things, as are all people. And I find that now in the office, where the uneasy friendship formed over the past few months is extremely rich, beneficial, a source of pleasure - and where I can actually speak freely and openly of what I believe.

Such a strange experience with Kristin's father when he started talking to me about GE. These things do not define us, but then sometimes they shimmer into view, bas-relief or figure-ground inversion. But not one of these people would have cared for a second. Secrecy and smoke and mirrors about what or who you are is of no use, no purpose.

We feel about this place that it has allowed us to be ourselves, without a patina of judgement or a forcing means that makes us be what our trajectory has given us.


whadda ...??

A frustrating short note from The Economist on traffic safety around bicycles - "Nearly 6% of commuters bike to work in Portland, the highest proportion in America. But in five out of the past ten years there have been no cycling deaths there."

Sweet Portland. 

This is how the myth continues.

In a long and interesting (but either too quotable, or not at all quotable) article about what has happened to the civil rights of people in the US since the 11th of September 2001 attacks: 
I think the FBI are as smart as they get, and if they didn't want me to find the tracking device, I probably would have never found it.
Right. That right there is the problem. They're like demigods. They can do this:
The first man who took me, I came to learn his name was Inspector H. He said something to the effect of, "People are offended because of your T-shirt. People complained."

I looked down at my T-shirt to see which one I was wearing. It was black, and said in both Arabic and English, We Will Not Be Silent. An artist group in New York had made the shirt and given it to me as a gift. For me, the message meant, "We will not be silent about the murders that are happening in Palestine or Iraq." They had other T-shirts in Spanish. At the time I'd said, "Whoa, it's such a smart idea, because the Spanish one makes it seem like it's about immigration, and the Arabic one makes it seem like it's about wars."

Inspector H asked me, "What does it say?" I said, "It's the same thing that it says in English. We will not be silent."

He said, "Oh, but we can't be sure that's the translation."

I was so confused that I didn't know how to answer. Then he said, "We want you to take the T-shirt off, or put it on inside out."

I said, "It's my constitutional right to wear this T-shirt. If you have any regulations against Arabic T-shirts, show them to me and I will take it off or cover it."

I was very polite, but it was becoming a scene and people were looking at us. A fourth guy came – very hostile. He talked to me without looking at me. He said, "You've got the nicer guys here, so you should just do whatever they've told you."

I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa – where is this going? The woman from JetBlue saw the escalation, and said, "Why don't we just reach a compromise? We will buy you a T-shirt and put it on top of this one.
 And this:
The FBI drove us to Pennsylvania, across state lines, without my parents' permission. We got to the juvenile detention centre late at night. The female guard told me and Tashnuba we had to get strip-searched.

I was in tears. My own mother doesn't look at me naked. I said, "It must be against some law for you to do this to me."

The female guard said, "It's not. You no longer have rights."

She said, "Lift your breasts."

I lifted my breasts.

She said, "Open your legs."

I opened my legs.

She said, "Put your hands in there, to see there's nothing."

I said, "There's nothing there!"

She said, "Just do it."

I did it.
And they think it's OK. So they sure as shit aren't demigods who will only allow you to find a bug if they want you to know about it.


Animated GIFs are so bracing!

I would refer to these as long photos,but apparently they are called "cinematographs" - shitty name: http://iwdrm.tumblr.com/

There is a mix between some that are just funny and others which are intended to represent exactly the permeability, or the impossibilitity, of a fraction of a second meaning anything at all -

For Trace: On Ambiguity

When we first encountered the work that was being done in this area, when we first encountered what you were doing in that place, ambiguity and getting shit done were already constant bedfellows. The drive to have formed, coalesced, done - and the seeming lack of position at times that can curiously define non-hierarchical structures. Who is doing what, when, why ... questions that had risen to the fore when we visited Gripia and which might be termed questions about praxis, questions about ideology.

One of our greatest learnings here has been what we might call the letting go - rising beyond, embettering. Some process of release, of becoming thru letting out the corset strings or the battens or the grasp. And a part of that, of course, has been learning about what makes for an equitative or participatory economics. Understanding that ambiguity may be required in order to allow for alternatives to exist, for a hegemonic reckoning not to be the only narrative.

That which has happened is not only "a time and environment specific event, full of particular personalities and details" - as Zizek writes
when something happens just once, it may be dismissed as an accident, something that might have been avoided if the situation had been handled differently; but when the same event repeats itself, it is a sign that a deeper historical process is unfolding. When Napoleon lost at Leipzig in 1813, it looked like bad luck; when he lost again at Waterloo, it was clear that his time was over.
You say yourself that "we should have some idea of how we would like our relationships to work by the time we have the words available to provide the basic outline" - which one could take to mean that once this structure has been built (the arc-chamber constructed, the heart's impasse corralled and futile hope thwarted) we fill in the outline. It seems to me that it is damn ambiguity which makes it otherwise.

It's ambiguous not because we can isolate windblown stretches of the highway and tag 'em, bag 'em - we can say that this circumstance produced that outburst, that this particularity has no currency, that this can be discounted because of that - we end up with a spindly, windblown thing, a nothing, a haint. It's ambiguous because we are both outline and filling, ground and figure. The ruins at the backs of your retinas are both glorious and shameful, proud, buckled.

We die on our feet only when we have the fortitude to draw a new outline every day, to rise up and question, unreason, to pardon ourselves. To know that we are weak and shelter incoherence. That we are bitter beyond all reckoning and can cast it out like some spittle-demon. We do, and do.

Yes, there is no other way but to ache for work that means to be done. That work is a painfully ambiguous, full-on wrestling with the outline, the form, the figure. And it never stops.
I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
who do what has to be done, again and again (M Piercy)
Cricket Bread

But ...

My niece will grow up thinking women running for President is normal which is lovely except that the women running for President aren’t normal.



Home Birth Legislation: Australia

Let us be completely frank about this. Not everyone is going to choose a homebirth. But, in every country in the world bar this one, it can still continue. In the Netherlands, something like a quarter of all births are done at home. Look at the history of midwifery. You can go right back through five centuries. There was a time when homebirth was safer than being in hospital. Back in the 1750s, when they opened the doors of hospitals to mums of lower socioeconomic background—and the other side of the chamber should be listening to this all of a sudden—it was actually more dangerous to go to hospital for a birth because of the lack of antiseptic measures. There was a time, in 1854, in Vienna when 13 per cent of mums died in hospital childbirth compared to two per cent with homebirthing.

via Hoyden About Town

The Race Issue

"Rather than thoughtfully discussing race," he writes, "Americans love to reduce racial politics to feelings and etiquette. It's the personal and dramatic aspects of race that obsess us, not the deeply rooted and currently active political inequalities. That's our predicament: Racial debate, in public and private, is trapped in the sinkhole of therapeutics."

"Awash in its racial conundrum, America has delightful people who are perfectly comfortable with widening segregation and yawning socioeconomic inequality that often breaks along racial lines,"

Rich Benjamin - Source