
New Civil Rights

We marched yesterday against Prop 8. You can see us gearing up in the bottom left hand corner here.

Open questions:
  • Why is this struggle configured as 'the new civil rights'? What happened to the old civil rights? Do token acts eliminate or put an end to the struggle they may or may not be a result of?
  • Who can possibly imagine that the country they belong to is - although clearly instrumental in denying rights and civil liberties - still the thing to which one must cleave in time of torment caused by that very irreality? What foolishness suggests that I must side with my enemies to defeat my enemy?
    • And in case I open myself too wide to criticism, I do of course understand the point of fight from within.
  • Losing sight of which big lie to fight doesn't mean the big lie is now a truth - or does it?
V consistently points out that in order to maintain a rigorous position it is not enough to opine - one must CHOOSE. This choice is exclusive by nature ... one cannot take cocaine NOT for the conservative anti-drug reasons but because of the deaths it causes in Ciudad Juarez. One must decide where and on what line one stands. That point of course has no part - it cannot be subdivided meaningfully - it is what it is.

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