

which frank statement confused a series of actions which encapsulate or drive towards. A loose pattern as you stretch and fold, a house divided as the routine calls it. Tasks evolved before waking and embodied - what is made, what is to be done. Adjoined light cone cast on the umber and we entropic stride. A measured pace, step - that which is nailed, what travail remains.

A scene caught by pinhole, camera obscura - the soup exctoplasm snagged at the monochrome edge. A twisted rock flagged on our three ceilings; predict wind from the abrasive colouring. A rising up of material in the act - a spooling forth of breadth, of configuration.

Engagement, collaboration, aktion. Concentration or filtering through a chore-o-graph. Gauze of some sorts, the straining of matter - you can capture or establish. An axis along which events occur - a horizon. Not the out but the put, that which propels - radiation, or a particle set to whirl at the neutral core.

Praxis. Something; the matter? It skitters as it starts - it fires, it glories. Daily scrapings filed (fled?) and noted, scratched on the portrait glass.

Angle of the outstretched rock arm; inclination or weathering, it's sinew or fairing, causeway. Movement of a limb through motion.

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