
40,000 in one blow!

via Mudede / Slog (as usual):

Recall this recent victory:

These are tough times for labor unions. They are under attack in the private sector and at all levels of government. But workers are waking up to the reason for the attacks: unions are essential sources of protection for essential workers.

So it is that the labor movement has now secured one of the most important victories of recent years in a high-profile area of the public sector.

In a run-off election completed this week, the nation’s 40,000 Transportation Security Administration employees voted to become members of the American Federation of Government Employees.

AFGE will provide exclusive representation to the workers at airports across the country, who for many years after the creation of the TSA were denied the right to organize.

Labor has not seen a victory like this in years. 40,000 workers have been unionized. Amazing.

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