
New Naomi Klein book in progress: Climate Change

AMY GOODMAN: And what does it say, you don't believe in climate change?

NAOMI KLEIN: Well, some people believe in climate change, but the main
thing is they don't believe that humans have anything to do with climate
change. And it isn't about the science, because when you delve deeper
into it and ask why people don't believe in it, they say that it's
because they think it's a socialist plot to redistribute wealth. It's
easy to make fun of, you know, and there's all this language, like
"watermelons," that they say the green groups are watermelons: they're
green on the outside, but they're red on the inside. Or George Will once
said it's a green tree with red roots. And the idea is that it's some
sort of a communist plot. And this is actually not at all true. And in
fact, most of the big green groups are loath to talk about economics and
often don't want to see themselves as being part of a left at all, see
climate change as an issue that transcends politics entirely.

Source: http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_62517.shtml

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